Our mission

Our mission is to build awareness that children are Earth’s most important natural resource. They have the brains and compassion to find solutions to the world's most pressing problems. We need to educate them, have confidence in their potential and then let them show the world what they can do. When this happens, Earth is happy.

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Our story

Kinderenergy was initially founded to inspire US junior high and high school students to help children in rural areas of the developing world receive school supplies and sports equipment.

But as we realized that some kids did not go to school because the schools lacked clean drinking water, decent pit latrines, and sustainable source of nutritious food, our focus changed accordingly.

We now support education through projects centered on WASH, sustainable agriculture, food and nutrition, renewable energy, bikes to get to school and youth entrepreneurship. Inspired by ideas from the African Development Bank's "Jobs for Youth in Africa (JfYA) Strategy", USAID's Journey to Self-Reliance and FAO, our projects are designed by students for students.

In addition, we are also having our students think of more innovative ways to rid Cambodia of terrible land mines which continue to maim children and adults. Yes, they are still around! When many of these crucial jobs are done, we can then concentrate on getting new smart boards, iPads, internet etc. ​

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